Ever have one of those days when having a pocket spray that you could whip out and give yourself a quick God-pick-me-upper would come in handy? Look no further! Everyone needs an easily attainable faith in God*. No fuss, no struggle, psssst, psssst and presto! you believe in God and have access to all the […]
I was watching one of the recurrent themes on America’s Funniest Videos last night — cats doing stupid things. There was a big, fat cat sitting on the kitchen floor; there was a loud noise that startled him and he instantly went from sitting to running. The problem was he couldn’t get any traction on […]
A good thing about living in a townhome is I don’t have to do yard work. A bad thing about living in a townhome is that someone else does and you don’t know when they will be doing it. I wake up this morning, jump in the shower, and, because I’m running behind, don’t take […]
To kill a computer
What is it with computers? Is artificial intelligence so far advanced that it is being used nefariously by the manufacturers? How else can you account for the timing that always occurs when one of these electronic marvels decides to die on you? It never occurs at a convenient time, never. My trusty steed bit the […]
My neighbors must think I’m trashy. I don’t even have a car on blocks in my front yard nor a dilapidated washer on my front porch (though I would like to have a goat staked out and grazing). I’ve not painted the house purple, I don’t have old tires holding a tarp down on my […]