Kiss me—full on the mouth! Yes! For your love is better than wine, headier than your aromatic oils. The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook. No wonder everyone loves to say your name! Wow! That’s almost embarrassing. Imagine stumbling on two lovers fully consumed with the presence of the other. You’d feel […]
Beat up
There are some days when you simply wonder if you’re going to make it through the day. Phone calls from folks who act like idiots, people who have unreasonable expectations that they want to make your issue (and fault), computers that don’t work, cars that don’t go, food that doesn’t arrive… you know exactly what […]
Praise: the real joy bus
Worship is the vehicle that carries you into the heavenly realms. Praise doesn’t do that. It isn’t the end, it is the beginning, the “process” of entering in. One way to describe the difference is to use Palm Sunday when Jesus came to town. Had I been there, before he came, but knowing he was […]
Dang pigs!
I am soooo sick (pardon the pun) of the piggy flu! Those swine have been really busy or else they have a good PR agent. If I have to answer one more question, calm one more person, explain one more time, I think I’ll explode. So, you’ll probably hear a loud pop or boom very […]
Worship, as in, lost in
Some folks are connoisseurs of fine wine. Some have developed exquisite tastes in fine cuisine. Still others are aficionados of art or music. I’ve discovered that I’m enchanted and enthralled by worship. I don’t mean “going to church,” singing contemporary “worship” songs or any other tinny imitations that are passed off as some sort of […]