Pictures tell you a whole lot! This is the new Seed of Hope activity center. It’s all spruced up and ready to inaugurated in less than two weeks. This is going to be fun! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxBEFORExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAFTER Can’t you just imagine scores of wild, screaming, happy and not hungry, kids romping through this space? I can!
The poor?
What’s the big deal about taking care of the poor? Aren’t they everywhere? Aren’t they always with us? Haven’t they always been around? I know that it was a big deal with Jesus, it seemed to be quite a topic of discussion with the prophets and even royalty in the Old Testament appeared to be […]
What Jesus meant to say…
I was toying with a topic the other day when a blog that I follow popped up that had already dealt with the same issue. Joey Shaw over at (good blog Joey! Go check him out!) posted “5 Common Great Commission Myths.” While I’m not going to reproduce it here (though it is a […]
This love-thingy
I need God to help me love God. And if I need His help to love Him, a perfect being, I definitely need His help to love other, fault-filled humans. Something mysterious, even supernatural must happen in order for genuine love for God to grow in our hearts. The Holy Spirit has to move in […]
Megafone warming up for Ubaúna
Megafone, the Christian rock band that is set to invade Ubaúna in less than two weeks just launched their new CD at the megabig ExpoCristo 2009 in São Paulo last week. This is something of what they’re going to look like rockin’ out at the massively big nightclub in Ubaúna for two consecutive nights. Can […]