Yeah, I’m strange. But don’t let that fool you. Let me see if I can make some friends… The movie and books are targeted to adolescent girls. 350 different fan websites are now on the internet averaging 31 female fans for every male. The demonic is after our daughters. It’s a part of the devil’s […]
God of the Angel Armies
David’s stride became longer, his embrace larger—yes, God-of-the-Angel-Armies was with him! I read this and immediately I wanted it! Friday night I went to an Afro-American church in Bolton. We definitely had raised eyes glancing in our direction when we walked in. Imagine the surprise of everyone present when the visiting pastor stopping preaching, pointed […]
Rewriting history
In September of 1981 I stepped off an airplane in Fortaleza, Brazil. This was to be my new home and I was full of confidence of the change I was about to be an agent in bringing about. Last night, cruising the internet, I came across a description of the work I helped to plant. […]
Unlocking the holy mysteries
High and mighty?
A Message from the high and towering God, XXXwho lives in Eternity, XXXwhose name is Holy: “I live in the high and holy places, XXXbut also with the low-spirited, the spirit-crushed, And what I do is put new spirit in them, XXXget them up and on their feet again. ~God