All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. — Jesus So, who doesn’t have the power? Why are we acting and living as though he does?
Popping the top
You know the story of Pandora’s Box. Once opened, it couldn’t be closed and everything revert back to the way it was before opening it. I’m finding that walking the Way is like that. If we simply look at “the box,” wondering what is in it, but never open it, it will never affect us. […]
Poverty, VeggieTales and James
There are things that bother me. Giving a premium to someone in order to get them to sponsor a child living in poverty is one of them. “Sponsor a child and receive two FREE VeggieTales DVD’s.” Come on! Have we so debased ourselves that this is what has to be done in order to fulfill […]
Sprouting wings
Off into the wild blue yonder (or, here in ILM country, the gray, misty overcast), again. Heading to Abilene. Almost feel like a cowboy driving a herd of cattle to market, only I’m not a cowboy, I don’t have any cows to drive and I don’t ride very well on a horse. But, other than […]
On the fly
Whew! Three days and almost 1200 miles later, I’m back home… kinda. Fabulous trip to Chattanooga. Had some great time with the gang at Journey Chattanooga. Those guys are perched to make a really big noise in Choo Choo City! If you’ve ever in their neighborhood be sure to visit them (they’re one of those […]