$900 Billion is a lot of money!
The numbers on this whole health care thing are beyond staggering. Tossing around numbers that are almost in the $1,000,000,000,000 price range sounds a tad bit on the ludicrous side of things. Health care for everyone, damn the consequences! Is a system that is totally broken (please don’t fool yourself and think they are “fixing” […]
Swine Flu Vaccine Health Alert
Why the big hoopla on H1N1/swine flu? First, I am continuously being queried about it. Second, I am seriously concerned about the reaction to it, not the actual illness. Finally, I loathe the spirit of fear that is being unleashed on the public. Below I am reproducing a piece put together by K.C. Craichy on […]
Swine Flu propaganda
I’m embedding four videos, each approximately 10 minutes long, below. They feature Russell Blaylock, MD. He’s rather credentialed and pedigreed. If you’re the least bit concerned about the piggy flu, you’d do well to listen. If you want something written, click here.
Sick of it!
Piggy flu makes me want to vomit… and I don’t even have it. Millions of parents are talking about this important question in light of the U.S. Government’s fast-tracking of millions of vaccines intended for school children across the country this October. Parents are asking important questions vital to the health and welfare of their […]