Just read Perry Noble’s blog (11/26/06) and I’m in complete agreement with his sentiments on Christmas music — I hate it! Two weeks before Christmas is fine. Anything before that really gets my goat! Oxymoronically, some of the music I like best is Christmas music. It conjures up really nice memories of the past and […]
Rubberband Man
Last Thursday as my wife and I were walking in downtown Fortaleza (Brasil), we came across a fellow on the side of the street who was begging. At first glance, nothing seemed to be wrong with him. He was just sitting there with a hand extended saying the equivalent of “alms for the poor.” The sidewalk wasn’t […]
Chimpanzee Problems Propaganda Assuaged
What the heck? This is the type of email I get on a regular basis. First, I don’t have any chimpanzee problems that I know of. I may have to deal with some jackasses on a regular basis, but chimpanzees generally aren’t a problem in my day to day affairs. And my propaganda being assuaged? […]
Leave my goat alone!
You know what really gets my goat? People who say they will do something but don’t. I’m gullible. You tell me you will do something, I’ll believe you. Then when you don’t do it I get this big question mark on my face that screams “huh?” But the reason I really hate it when people […]
Real Christianity
News Report: Open Doors is sad to report that Eritrean security police tortured two Christians to death on October 18, two days after arresting them for holding a religious service in a private home south of Asmara. Immanuel Andegergesh, 23, and Kibrom Firemichel, 30, died from torture wounds and severe dehydration in a military camp outside […]