Sometimes, the things that are dearest to you make you want to barf. Take church, for instance. Forget the whole definition of what “church” really is (the body of the redeemed); it is so often seen as something else. And the “else” is often anything but what the Carpenter intended. How many times have you […]
The $139,000,000 dream
Some folks have a whole lot more money than good sense . . . Did you see the “news” (I sincerely hate to call it that) about the Las Vegas casino magnate by the name of Steve Wynn who accidentally gave a multimillion dollar (139 million) canvas an elbow and poked a hole in it? Mr. […]
Don’t come to my church!
Don’t come to my church! Don’t even think about it! Stay away!The only reason you should come is if you have trouble sleeping. It’s so boring . . . guaranteed to make you take a nap. Crazy, huh? Do churches really say that? Yep! They sure do. I’ve been in some. I’ve even worked in […]