I guess I’m a bit dense. I didn’t even know there had recently been a Miss USA pageant, I didn’t know that Miss North Carolina won, I didn’t know that she is from Wilmington and I didn’t know about all the hoopla surrounding Miss California’s answer to a question during the competition. Well, maybe I […]
Iraq Rewind
My son is back in Iraq again. Our politicians continue to spew rhetoric like the sound of the southern end of a north bound mule. Political views aside, I don’t like it when my child becomes the object of anyone’s insatiable desire for power. These politicians in particular do not make me proud to be […]
Deja vu all over again
In Matthew 15 Jesus does some pretty amazing stuff. He heals thousands of sick folk, he feeds 6,000 to 15,000 people with just a few dinner rolls and sardines, he cast a terrible demon out of a Gentile’s kid by just saying it was done. In Matthew 16 the Pharisees and Sadducees come to him […]
Dead men do bleed…
Just for the record, I hate politics. Obama, Hillary, McCain… same thing, different paint. End result is that you have to hold your nose as you pull the lever. But the politics that really gets my goat is that we which find in the church world. I just had to deal with a “situation” in […]
Obama wins!
Humphf! We are so interested in the Obama-Hillary-McCain circus. Why? The future of our nation? If that were the reason, it would be worthwhile, but we all know that it has practically nothing to do with that. We are interested in “the race” and the title intrigued us. What if the title of this post […]