Ninety-one percent? Ninety-one percent? Are they crazy? The Brasilian congress recently voted themselves a pay raise of 91%. The judicial branch came back and said they couldn’t do that. But it took them more than two weeks to declare the pay raise illegal (duh!) I’m curious as to what these “representatives of the people” were […]
Dang Thoughts!
Crazy thoughts . . . I hate it when I have them! I especially hate it when they rudely burst to the forefront of all my other thoughts. Like when I’m pleasantly sleeping with visions of sugar plums and candy canes merrily dancing in my head. Or when I’m trying to concentrate on work, or […]
FIFO, FCFS and up yours!
F.I.F.O. is an acronym for First In First Out. It describes the principle of F.C.F.S. or First Come, First Served. What comes in first is handled first, what comes in next waits until the first is finished, and so on. Another way of looking at it is “queueing” or “standing in line,” where someone or […]
“A Christmas Story” in 30 seconds re-enacted by bunnies
Trying to get into the commercial Christmas spirit . . . and having a hard time. This helped!
Britney Spears’ Crotch?
What? You’ve not seen it? You’re kidding, right? It’s everywhere online. “Going commando” they call it. Running around without your drawers on. Flashing the world with your privates. “Britney Spears Crotch” is the top rated search term on Google. Everybody wants to see “it.” Here’s one that won’t generate a lot of hits: Christian Couple […]