Continuing in the junk email mode, have you been getting these spams that pretend to know you so you’ll click on them? They all start with some variation of “hi” and then follow with a name, like “Hi! It’s Mike.” That leaves you wondering, which “Mike” is it? Or, “who is Mike?” So you bite, […]
Save a life, kill a dog and fix your “little” problem!
Just to prove my point from the last post today, I’ve just received 2 interesting ones: Good Medicine Solutions Hello my friend! I am ready to kill myself and eat my dog, if medicine prices here are bad. Look, the site and call me 1-800 if its wrong.. My dog and I are still alive […]
Why be an average guy any longer?
I love spam! It is just so, well, helpful. People I don’t even know are trying to assist me in so many different ways. I don’t know where the pundits get off about our society becoming rude and uncaring. If that were indeed the case, how can you explain strangers trying to help me buy […]
My mama told me there’d be days like this
U.S. Aims to Ban iPod Sales to North Korea WASHINGTON (Nov. 29) – In a novel effort targeting the lifestyle of North Korea’s eccentric president, the Bush administration wants to make it tougher for him to buy iPods, plasma televisions, Segway electric scooters and more. Yep! There you go! Our state department has finally hit […]
Eye Candy? part 2
Are you still with me from yesterday? Now that is amazing . . . Remember, I’ve got this really bad problem with my eyes? They’re always wanting to read something and that has caused me some discomfort. Something like . . . An estimated 200 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for […]