I’ve been spending quite a bit of time ruminating on church. When one ruminates they aren’t attempting to come up with solutions or direction; to ruminate is to literally chew the cud. As a pre-teen I often went with my dad to a friend’s dairy farm. I was always captivated by the milking process, being […]
Back in the Saddle, again
My, my, my, how time does seem to fly! Beginning my blogging experience back in the ol’ days, it was all new and exciting. Then it got tiresome. I suppose most of life is something like that. The proverbial waxing and waning that accompanies us is inescapable; however, both from my experience and what I’ve […]
Simple enough
We live in a time when everything seems to be so complex. College degrees are seen as a must in order to succeed; you are thought to be incapable of figuring out the complex if you don’t have one. Video games have upteen levels of complexity to navigate, tv series go on and on to […]
Book report, kinda
Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit, Francis Chan I like Chan. A lot. His Crazy Love messed me up. I made it required reading for our staff of pastors and workers in Brazil. I highly recommend it. I purchased Forgotten God before it was published and had been eagerly anticipating it […]
First Day
Waking up in Ubaúna is always an interesting event. The sounds, the smells and the sights are always arresting, even to one who has experienced it upteen dozen times. I love hearing the remarks of the “newbies” who’ve never had the pleasure. Brings a smile and a chuckle to my lips. Today is the first […]