I’m amazed at how many folks continually hit my bit on how I hate Perry Noble; I’m also amazed at how stupid people are. The “magic” that is created around Newsping and Perry is incredible (translation: the Spirit acts where folks are seeking Him) I’m amazed and astounded at how life plays out; Proverbs 17:6… […]
The return of Rumpelstiltskin
Pftszhaw… Wow! Just waking up after 6 weeks of enforced hibernation. Contrary to the rumors, I didn’t run off with stolen funds from the bank heist in Fortaleza totaling $50million last year that just “disappeared;” I didn’t move to Tahiti; nor did I evolve into a snail and go underneath a rock (though the last […]
Midnight at 40,000 feet
I don’t like flying all night long. I can’t get comfortable; actually I’m all squished up. I can’t sleep, I can’t stretch out, right now my leg doesn’t feel too cozy (actually, it aches). I’d love to step out and walk around the plane a time or two. But, where this silver tube with wings […]
A ballsy challenge
Way back in 2002 someone challenged me to read the Bible through during the year. The end result was that for five years I read it through at least once. I thought I’d accomplished something. I really hadn’t. During 2008 I read 36 books. Several of them were close to a thousand pages. I’d typically […]
I don’t do no stinking resolutions
Just like the title says, I don’t do no stinking New Year’s resolutions. I used to attempt to do them. I always failed. I watched a fascinating movie last night called “The Illusionist.” I highly recommend it. And, why, might you ask, am I throwing this in while talking about resolutions? Because it illustrates my […]