I guess as long as I’m reading I’ll be commenting. It’s almost like an addiction. Today was one of those really ‘interesting’ reads because it seemed so, well, boring, at least at first glance. All this incredibly intricate detail about how the Tabernacle was to be constructed. <sigh> All of a sudden it dawned on […]
Pointing to Brasil
Ok, ok, ok. I get it! For those of you wondering where I put, and will be putting, the musings I’m writing about Brasil, go here. The latest installment, put up today, is Little Garbage Boy. This is the blog for Gospel for Brazil. Everything about Brasil, all the time. It is listed in my Blogs […]
<sigh> I love tiramisu. I don’t use the love word lightly. I really can chow down on this luscious treat, make a real porker out of myself. If you throw in a good cup of coffee, it gets really ugly 🙂 But, you can get too much of a good thing. Once you’ve eaten more […]
We’ve been downtown!
The Americans have now been officially “baptized” into the Brasilian culture — they’ve experienced the fascinating world of downtown Fortaleza! Not something for the faint of heart, you are inudated with sights, sounds, people, and more people. It comes at you like large waves on the beach, hitting you one after the other. Our “troopers” […]
And they’re off!
Well, almost. It’s 6:30 a.m. and I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. I’ve doing the exact opposite of what Ben Franklin insisted one does if he wishes to be healthy, wealthy and wise (…”early to bed…”) — 2 a.m. to bed. It’s gonna be a loooooong day. Stay tuned! The journey […]