A snail can sleep for three years Turtles can breathe through their butts Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes Armadillos are able to contract leprosy The ant, when intoxicated, will always fall over to its right side Male and female rats may have sex twenty times a day A cockroach will live nine […]
Eating Papayas Naked
Aaah . . . nothing like eating a papaya naked. Some people prefer to cook it or blend it, but I personally like eating directly out of its peel, simply removing all the little black seeds. I’ll bet many of you had thoughts just now that were less than, shall we say, spiritual. Isn’t that […]
Christmas carols + paint buckets = 1 rockin’ worship!
If you live in Wilmington, were not at Lifepoint on Sunday and are reading this, I’m so sorry. I have never in my life seen a church service of the likes that occurred on Sunday at Lifepoint. At the risk of sounding much younger than I am, it rocked! The old and new blended creatively […]
Hi! It’s Mike
Continuing in the junk email mode, have you been getting these spams that pretend to know you so you’ll click on them? They all start with some variation of “hi” and then follow with a name, like “Hi! It’s Mike.” That leaves you wondering, which “Mike” is it? Or, “who is Mike?” So you bite, […]
Save a life, kill a dog and fix your “little” problem!
Just to prove my point from the last post today, I’ve just received 2 interesting ones: Good Medicine Solutions Hello my friend! I am ready to kill myself and eat my dog, if medicine prices here are bad. Look, the site and call me 1-800 if its wrong.. My dog and I are still alive […]