I remember the first time I voted in a presidential election (1972). I felt so important. The anticipation of the event, the wonder at having a part in electing the next president, the sense of being a part of something so much bigger than myself… I was proud to be an American. Much has changed […]
No, I’ve never seen the show. Yesterday we decided to “run in” to Walmart to pick up something. Typically, we use our cell phones to keep track of each other while there so we can know where to meet up. One of us left their cell phone in the car. So, we resorted to the […]
Sunday Ruminations
You have to be in the right frame of mind to eat Mexican. Otherwise, it leaves you feeling unfulfilled. Setup and teardown in the kids’ area at Lifepoint was smokin’ today. We chopped off 30 minutes on the setup and 45 off the teardown. I’m asking for a new name badge for my crew: STUDS. […]
Sex? Yes… grasshopper
Had a lady come in the office yesterday to see me. When I looked at her information form, to the query “Sex,” she had put “yes.” This was either a misinterpretation of the question, she had something else weighing on her mind, an expression of a desire or a statement of past activity. Though curious, […]
Com’ on God, throw me a bone…
Ever wish God would throw you a bone? Wouldn’t it be nice if things would just easily fall in place and you didn’t have to “struggle” so much to make progress, spiritual or otherwise? A little break here and there could make all the difference in an otherwise tough day. I was reading about “The […]