Have you ever almost stepped on a cockroach and then it runs over your bare foot? I hate it when that happens! Sheesh! Took some trash out to the garage where I’d stashed a big garbage bag with trash three days ago (ahem . . . my wife is traveling and, like the typical male, […]
I dreamed about me, but it wasn’t. Or was it?
Do you ever have strange dreams? I do . . . In this early morning’s dream I met a woman whose last name was the same as mine. As I commented on the name, she introduced me to her husband and his last name was identical to mine. It was an odd sensation because all of […]
Holy Ghost, Batman!
Here’s one I bet you don’t think about too often: what do you find most intriguing about the Holy Spirit? Huh? Remember the ol’ Batman and Boy Wonder duo on tv? While Batman was always poised and in control of his emotions, Robin was a highly excitable young man. Throughout their exploits, Robin would often […]
Whacked! Smacked! Not on Crack! or better, Living the Good (New) Life
Ok, here’s how it goes down. Some of the both of you who read this blog also read that of my buddy/pastor Jeff. All three of us know he’s not quite right in the head (and that’s what makes him so lovable). He’s been camping out in Ephesians these last few days and has been […]
Eye Candy? part 1
I’ve got this really weird habit of reading things I shouldn’t . . . My eyes are voracious. They see letters, words, paragraphs and they want to read them. I almost don’t feel whole if I’m not reading. It gets so bad at times that I scrounge food wrappers, drink containers, and (yes, I’ll admit […]