In my pastor years, I discovered that chicken was indeed the holy bird. Every Sunday I was invited to someone’s house to eat their fried chicken (this was before we discovered that fried chicken would kill you…ah, the good ol’ days…). The ladies of the church would compete with each other to see who made […]
I hate smoothie bars!
I’ve got a lot on my mind these days. Trying to open a smoothie bar (please, don’t try this at home — it is only for the professionals and I wish I’d known that before starting), is high on the list. And to think, it was such a simple concept in the beginning. Knock out […]
Contentment in the face of discontent (thoughts about Thanksgiving)
Seems that everybody, and his brother, was going to get up at 4:30 a.m. this morning and go to WalMart, or Target, or BestBuy, or Sears, or to the NAPA Auto Parts store. To watch the shopping propaganda on tv yesterday would give you the impression that a) it would not be a sacrifice to […]
Gooble, gobble . . .
Dang! I just read that you might be a redneck if Thanksgiving dinner is squirrel and dumplings. Shucks . . . squirrel is a lot leaner than buzzard turkey! Besides, it’s no contest to have the dogs hunt turkey ’cause they can’t climb trees. Hey, it’s Thanksgiving — what’d you expect? What are you doing reading […]
This is great — just what the doctor ordered on a dreary, rainy day. I dare you to watch it and not laugh!