Ever try to listen to God instead of talking at Him? It’s really quite hard. I know that sounds silly. But, we really don’t do a good job in general in listening. So why should it be so surprising that we don’t listen very well when it comes to God? I’ve spent some energy recently […]
I just spoke to my son. Not a big deal, really. You speak to your kids daily, if they are young enough to still be living at home, or at least on a regular basis if they’ve moved out. I actually spoke to him last night as well. But today was different. Its not that […]
God Dead? I’m Amazed!
Just read a fascinating post called “How Hubble Killed God…” Check it out, it boggles the mind. Look up in the sky. With the naked eye (why do we always say “naked” eye? Do we ever dress it up with a coat and tie?), from any one position on earth, you can see about 2500 […]
Roosters can’t tell time
Stupid rooster . . . Here I sit in the middle of Ubaúna,Brazil, in the middle of the desert, 5000 miles from home and 6 hours from civilization. Peace and quiet, right? Wrong! The stupid rooster can’t tell time! Three o’clock in the morning, three o’clock! The crazy bird starts crowing and crows every half hour until […]
Jet Lag — an alternated state of mind
Ever been on an airplane for a really long time? I just got off a flight that qualified. Raleigh to Miami, then Miami to the middle of the Amazon jungle — Manaus. Hot, steamy, and after an all night flight, generally sticky enough to be glued to my seat like I was velcro. Then to […]