It’s 5:30 in the morning; I’ve been up since 4:30. What gives? I had one of those nights where you continue to have the same dream replay itself over and over. You know the type, you feel like you’ve been working all night long and you’re glad to wake up so you can rest. Stupid […]
Crazy Christians, part 2
I just read about a Christian who refused to have her picture taken for a driver’s license. She invoked the “no graven images” verbage as her reason. Seems that she is consistent; no wedding pictures, no family pictures, no television. She even takes labels off of cans that have pictures and used a black marker […]
Her perfume preceded her into the room . . . It was a perfume that was quite distinct, slightly sweet, definitely spicey, perhaps with a bit of turmeric and a trace of cloves. It heralded her coming, much like the first traces of wakening after being asleep all night, not quick, but insistent. It was […]
The $139,000,000 dream
Some folks have a whole lot more money than good sense . . . Did you see the “news” (I sincerely hate to call it that) about the Las Vegas casino magnate by the name of Steve Wynn who accidentally gave a multimillion dollar (139 million) canvas an elbow and poked a hole in it? Mr. […]
Pig snouts and chicken feathers
Hot dogs . . . Does it get any more American than hot dogs? Mom, apple pie, baseball and hot dogs — the essence of the good ol’ U.S. of A. Mom, apple pie and baseball are what they are. Hot dogs, on the other hand, are usually not what they pretend to be. It’s […]