ru·mi·na·tions: Latin ruminatus, past participle of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, from rumin-, rumen rumen; perhaps akin to Sanskrit romantha act of chewing the cud I woke up the other day and my leg hurt . . . It felt like I’d hit something hard but there was no bruise. It felt like […]
The Quickening – the process of becoming who I’ve always been, and just didn’t know it.
Sometimes the obvious is just so obvious that it’s not . . . I’ve heard that men are less attuned to themselves than are females. From my personal experience I think that would probably be rather true; that is, its something I know is true, but that I’m loathe admitting in the presence of my […]
Getting old, and God
ru·mi·na·tions: Latin ruminatus, past participle of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, from rumin-, rumen rumen; perhaps akin to Sanskrit romantha act of chewing the cud I woke up this morning with a thought . . . I’ve become “old.” I don’t think of myself as old. The person in the mirror who looks […]