In 16 days I’ll be hopping aboard a big ol’ airliner to make yet another trip south to Ubaúna, Brazil. I was counting it up; since February 2004, I’ve made 9 trips — almost 100,000 miles — back and forth, spent 4 months of cumulative time on the ground there, eaten what seems like a […]
A stake in the heart of darkness
Isn’t it odd how something so simple can represent so much? Take this stick and string. It’s just a stick and some string. No big deal, right? While true for most of us, the Lord of Darkness finds it most distressing. This little stick and string marks the cornerstone foundation of the church in Ubaúna, […]
Day trips
Sorting through thousands of pictures of the Brasil trip is no easy task… you easily get sidetracked as you take little jaunts down memory lane. Its kinda like taking day trips to interesting places that you’ve already been to, almost like deja vu all over again. Makes the brain go into neutral and coast.
Life changing
Doesn’t it seem ironical that a trip of 5,000 miles will produce change in folks that they should have been able to experience in their own backyard? I’m hearing from many who went on this last trip to Brasil how they’ve been radically transformed by the events they experienced on the trip. This is life […]
Followed by whirlwinds
The whole trip to Brasil was something akin to living in a whirlwind. All sorts of activity —physical and spiritual— were whirling around us at high intensity. It is exciting, but quite tiring, exhausting actually. You anticipate returning home for a respite from the constant bombardment to your senses and emotional state. Its just that […]