The photos are in the process of being posted to the GFB flickr page (there are a lot!). It will probably be a few days to get them all up. But you can check it out now here. Once they are all up in their raw form we will begin organizing and tagging them for […]
Why would the Creator of the universe use someone like me? Why would he want to? If you’ve never asked that question before I’d suggest you take a long, hard look at where you are right now in your life. Until you’ve been forced to ask that question, you’ve not experienced life. I’m sitting here, […]
Home… ?
Whirlwinds are hard to ride… and the ride is often over very quickly. So it is with trips to Brasil. We arrived back in Raleigh around midday today and rode our “joy bus” back to Wilmington. It was interesting watching and hearing what was going on around me. Reflective, tired, tears, stares out the window, […]
Ever experienced brain overload? That’s what I’m going through at the moment. The trip has been intense; sleep has been little; emotions have been tripping the light fantastic. I’ve seen miracles take place in front of my eyes, demons expelled with fanfare, held children who’ve been horribly abused, had conversations with drunks, experienced mosquitos attacking […]
Here’s a quick update on last night’s service… it smoked! It was all I could do to not blow up like a toad with pride and excitement last night. The building was not only packed, it backed up into the street. The best count we could get was around 146, but, this was a “moving” […]