More photos of the trip are up (thanks Jen!). Click here to see them. Yeah, but it got your attention, didn’t it?
Braggin’ on my childrens…
We had amazing talent on this trip to Brazil. I could just let that sentence stand by itself and it would be enough. However… Since there was such amazing talent, I want to start showing it off! We had two dynamite and professional photographers with us: Amber Currin and Jen Griffin. We had a professional […]
Touch down!
They’re back! Team Ubaúna is back in the U.S. of A. At this moment they’re all making their ways to their respective cities from Atlanta, and all should be home no later than midday today. This group was fabulous! They stepped up and did what they were called on to do; spiritually, they knocked it […]
Home again, sort of…
We arrived back in Fortaleza last night, had a bite to eat, then crashed. Almost literally. Today has been a hurry-hurry day. We started with a baptism (more on that soon), then off we went to downtown Fortaleza to run some errands. A large contingent of the group just left to go to the downtown […]
Not dark, but gray
Sorry that my posts have been so few. I’ve had lousy Internet connection here in Ubauna. I can get an occasional signal and get out a tweet ( but actually using my computer is out of the question. My iPhone has to be the greatest invention since sliced bread — without it I couldn’t post […]