Wow! I’m impressed. You’ve got to understand that I’m not one who is easily impressed with folks, especially in the spiritual arena. Unfortunately we, as Americans who claim to be Jesus followers, are the spiritual infants on this globe. The “foreigners” typically tend to be giants in comparison with our lack of spiritual acuity. Sad, […]
The same thing, only different
For the first time since 2004, a trip to Ubaúna will involve more than Ubaúna. It will definitely involve Ubaúna. There will be more activity occurring in this little village than has ever taken place there. We have people descending on it from two different countries and a total of six different states (three from […]
I’m a twit-ter
Don’t forget that you can follow our activities to some degree while we’re in Brazil by following me on Twitter, and to a lesser degree on Facebook. I know some of you are wondering what a “Twitter” is. Short version is that it allows you to write up to 140 characters and tell what you’re […]
Head ’em up and move ’em out
Every time I get on an airplane heading to Brazil, it is an adventure. I just got on the plane with seventeen wide-eyed and excited folks. Some of them have been before, some are newbies, but none of them know what is getting ready to happen to them. We’ll be wheels up in about 15 […]
A quiet Sunday afternoon
Well, we in the air heading for Atlanta; no problems getting through checkin or security. Besides being as hot as Ubauna in the ILM airport, everybody is charged up and excited. In an hour we’ll meet up with the rest of our crew from Georgia and Missouri and then board Delta 231 for Fortaleza. We’re […]