Looking at my passport last night, I was astonished to find that I’ve used up quite a few of the pages with entry and exit stamps. It made me laugh; if anyone were to pick up my passport they would wonder what in the world do I do. Page after page of entering Brazil, leaving […]
Little potholes
I’ve told the tales of the potholes in the roads in Fortaleza and in the interior of Ceará (Brazil); but, I know I’m not believed. I wouldn’t believe it either. So, when this short video came to me the other day I thought, “Eureka!” (well, I didn’t actually think that, but it sounds good). I […]
Hellhole part V: Conclusion
After leaving the favela on Sunday afternoon I wanted to immediately sit down and start writing. So much was going through my head and my heart that I wanted to record it so I wouldn’t forget the emotions. But I didn’t. Instead, I went for a walk on the beach with my wife at sunset, […]
Hellhole part IV: Why so mad?
Satan rules. And we aren’t doing squat about it. That is what made me so mad. I am allowing the Prince of Darkness to rule. I have the power to challenge and change his domination, but I’m content to go about my daily affairs as though his kingdom doesn’t exist. I do nice things in […]
Hellhole part III: To Hell with it
The friend I’d gone to see almost seemed overjoyed to see me. He was definitely surprised! This is a tough character, not easily intimidated nor frightened. In his six months in the favela he’d already been robbed, mugged, had his home invaded. As I stood in his little shop, he keep furtively looking side to […]