Though his power has been broken, Satan has effectively and efficiently convinced us humans, and especially those of us who claim to follow Jesus, otherwise. We willingly give him the power we’ve been given and he immediately puts it to use against us. As Americans we are blessed that we do not live in a […]
Hellhole part I: A trip to hell
I’m made at hell. Not mad as hell, but mad at it. Perhaps you saw some of my tweets this past weekend and wondered, “What is wrong with that dude?” In the event you didn’t, I expressed an immediate reaction to walking into the worst slum I’ve ever been in while in Fortaleza, Brazil. Understand […]
Ave Maria
Sometimes life is far funnier than anything a comedian can come up with. The church in Ubaúna has begun to experience some explosive growth. Consequently, they are far more people than there is space to put them in. That especially is true of the children. While there, I popped in to a small room no […]
Die sucker!
There are all kinds of interesting critters that we run into in the desert of northeastern Brazil. Frogs, tarantulas, scorpions, snakes, flies, things I don’t even know how to translate. The most ferocious, however, is the mosquito. Kinda funny, isn’t it? Let me tell you what these little suckers can do. Last March, one bit […]
I’m not real happy about this
You might recall my displeasure at having to tell a couple of mothers that I had nothing to offer her for her hungry children the other day. It happened again. While in Paxólas, a slum area on the outskirts of Ubaúna, we were updating pictures of Seed of Hope children. A mother comes up to […]