Depending on the rain, either Monday or Tuesday afternoon, we’re going to have a party on the main square of Ubaúna that is going to have the town talking. The guests of honor are going to be the poorest kids in the city. We’re going to treat them like royalty. Pizza will be the main […]
Old Timey Prayer Meeting
One of the really interesting things about Ubaúna is its ability to heighten spiritual awareness. It doesn’t matter what you bring to the table, you can rest assured that you are going to get more than you bargained for. Last night, thirty minutes before the beginning of the evening service, all the pastors and workers, […]
Into the valley of the shadow…
Sometimes the best way to confront what appears to be a bad situation is head on. A certain individual associated with the Catholic church in Ubaúna has taken it upon himself to put an end to this infernal Gospel for Brazil movement. A want-to-be priest, this 26 year old fellow is the primary lead of […]
A day in Ubaúna
Saturday was a day in Ubaúna. Really. We drove around the town to check out places we’ve not looked at before. And we found them. We spent time in Paxólas with a passel of little, dirty kids playing in rain water runoff. We hugged on them, had them sitting in our laps, made them smile […]
Viewing the past from the present
Sometimes the best laid plans just don’t work out. My plan to blog consistently while in Ubaúna was an absolute flop. The internet connect was less than borderline; that means, it sucked! The backup plan of using Facebook and Twitter also failed; the type of signal just wouldn’t allow a more active connection to take […]