Got in a good nap this afternoon; still feel like a zombie, but not quite as pale and glassy eyed. We gathered the gang plus Audrey into our Dobló (SUV-type vehicle we rented) and off we headed to Gheller, a Brazilian steakhouse. Meat comes at you fast and furious; everybody was asking me what the […]
Countdown clock = 0:00
I have a neat little application on my desktop – a countdown clock. You put in any date and it starts to count down to that event. Ubaúna has been on it for month. I just looked at it. It read “0:00:00.” That means I’m about to get on Delta flight 0090 straight to Fortaleza. […]
Off we go…
Wow! Talk about eventful starts… The talk yesterday of the massive blizzard that was to hit didn’t live up to the mammoth proportions that it was heralded to be. It did, however, create some interesting times for our noble band in getting from Wilmington to Raleigh. We were thrust out of Wilmington with a flurry, […]
…and listen I did
How do you go about doing what seems to be the impossible? That was the question that burned on my mind after I had experienced this. My immediate was response, “a church, here? Me? Com’ on, give me a break.” From that less-than-exciting beginning, the ball began to roll. Now, five years and nine trips […]
And it begins…
February 2004. Hot day. Raw sewage. Pigs. Stench. Going back almost five years, it is still difficult for me to get over the amazement that God was wanting to do something big in an armpit of a place like Ubaúna, Brazil. I did not like the place. Sitting on the porch of my mother-in-law, temperature […]