The Urban Dictionary translates “throwdown” as: “about to kick some ass like there’s no tomorrow” Please pardon the language. I purposefully didn’t put the little stars (a**); I don’t mean to be vulgar but I do mean to be forceful. We’re on the verge of some serious throwdown in Ubaúna and I want to ask […]
The children will lead them…
This just in from Áudrey: The kids are really giving us encouragement. It wasn’t something we could have ever imagined, but they are leading the way into the heart of the community. Please be praying for us and for the children! Áudrey always refers to you as his “American prayer warriors;” let’s show him we […]
July Mission Trip
We’ve got a lot of folks excited… The deadline for making a final decision to go is creeping up quickly (February 2) and we’ve got people chomping at the bits to head to Ubaúna in July. This trip will be breaking new ground for the work there and you don’t want to miss it if […]
New sponsor
I’m excited to announce that we have a new, active partner in the work in Ubaúna. Actually they have been a major player for almost two years, but they’ve now upped the stakes to an even higher level. Lifepoint Church in Wilmington, NC has taken the lion’s share of Áudrey and Andréia’s support and have […]
GFB’s B.O.D.
I’m pumped! God so knows what he is doing. Last year the GFB Board of Directors underwent a radical transformation. Folks who had been on the board have served an extremely useful role and I am sincerely grateful to them for what they have done. In the Fall of last year, God let it be […]