We’ve had people step up and take on 6 of the 11 kids! That is phenomenal! I’ve had people contact me crying, hearts broken: “I’m going to make a difference in one of those children’s lives.” So little goes so very far. Still have 6…
People, we can do this!
“I took these photos of some children in Paxólas; you know the family, they live at the end of the “Street of the Dead,” close to the interstate highway. They are living in inhuman conditions. The children are sick and worm infested. I took the photos to see if there isn’t some way that we […]
Unsung Hero #3
Now this is the kind of guy you just have to love. Larry Murray has been involved with the work in Ubaúna since the very first day. In fact, you might say that he is the one who jump started it. Larry is a unique breed – a drywall contractor. We sincerely try not to […]
Moving heaven
Just in from Áudrey: “We are ecstatic! We had almost despaired of Andréia being able to get into law school in Sobral. The alloted time for transfer [from the law school in Brasilia to the one in Sobral] had terminated. Jesus pulled off a miracle. The director said that it would only be possible for […]
Nope! Simply posting an interesting series of posts that directly impact Ubaúna over on my primary blog where there is a larger readership (you’ve probably already read them 🙂 ). Stay tuned…