A Brasilian living in New Zealand has broadcast our site and ministry to the online Christian world in Brazil! How do you like that for a mouthful? My friend Dan Cort has just written a piece on GFB for consumption by Brazilian blogdom. If you can read Portuguese you might want to check it out; […]
Moving is no fun wherever you are
Just because you happen to be below the equator does not mean that moving isn’t a real pain in the bottom. Talking with Áudrey last night… his belongings still haven’t left Brasília, even though he has! He has been in Fortaleza for almost a week now, waiting for his “stuff” to arrive so they can […]
Comfort zones hold you back
You know, sometimes I’m amazed when I simply do what God encourages me to do. I know I shouldn’t be. He is, afterall, the Creator of all that exists. He’s made the sun stand still, parted large bodies of water, raised the dead — you know, stuff that you and I don’t do on a […]
Chairway to Heaven
I was to turn 18 in a month. On November 8, 1971, Led Zepplin released the single “Stairway to Heaven” that zoomed to the top of the charts and became the most requested and most played song on FM radio stations in the United States, despite never being released as a single. Though not the […]
Grand Opening!
It’s still undergoing tweaks, but whacha think? To see the real McCoy, click here: