Here are some random Sunday evening thoughts after a Sunday where I was priviledged to share from the pulpit what has been happening in Ubaúna and to cast around some vision of what will be happening over the next few months: Ephesians 1:19-20 is powerful! People can catch the vision if you paint it properly […]
Sermon Prep
Tomorrow I get to walk into a pulpit and share the vision God has buried in my heart. It is the same pulpit I preached from almost three years ago to the day, sharing the happenings of the first team to go to Ubaúna in July 2004. It was a powerful, emotional service. I still get […]
Living in the trust zone
Don’t you just hate it when you fret over something and someone comes along and shows you how silly it is? My pastor bro (Jeff) just had to go and do that today! He noted: Here’s the tricky part… Now what/who do you trust? Do you… function off of what you have or what God is […]
Now it begins…
I got a note late yesterday from our new pastor, Áudrey. He’d stayed in Fortaleza to preach at the Grace Refuge Church on Sunday and spend some strategic planning time with the leadership there. These folks have caught the vision of what God is doing in the sertão (desert) of Ceará (the state in which […]
Hindsight is always 20/20. I wish the present was always so clear. Looking back over the previous three years in the work in Ubaúna, I can now see the obvious intentionality that was guiding our steps and activities. Arimar and I have been talking about that a lot during the trip back and today. It’s […]