Ever since we began going to Ubaúna back in 2004, the desire has been to have full-time, Brasilian workers on the ground there. God has used many folks in different ways to help the work get to where it now is, but in order for it to explode, a full-time worker is a must. For […]
Every time I get back to the US after being away, these lyrics come to mind: Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC Didn’t get to bed last night Oh, the way the paper bag was on my knee Man, I had a dreadful flight I’m back in the USSR You don’t know how lucky you […]
BIG announcement on its way
At the risk of being melodramatic, we’ve got a R E A L L Y big announcement about the work in Ubaúna to make. I told you the other day we had two to make. One was the building. The second will radically change what is happening in that little villa. Stay tuned…
Killing little alligators
I just got off the elevator whining to anyone who would listen… One time, just once, I want to be able to come back to Fortaleza and spend the one free day we have being free. It has yet to happen. Usually I have about a hundred little “alligators,” tasks that must be completed while […]
BIG Announcement #1
O Evangelho do Brasil (Gospel for Brasil) officially has a physical presence in Ubaúna! A building has been rented and will actually open its doors for business in just a few weeks. We secured a fabulous location in a building that will hold almost 200 people (if we squeeze, hold our breath and push real hard). […]