Stay tuned for a REALLY big, cool and fabulous announcement concerning Ubaúna. In the meantime, checkout some of the new photos!
While it isn’t about the numbers, it really is about the numbers! Number of kids present on last day of classes: 300+ Average number of kids in class prior to last day: 170 Number of people accepting Jesus as Lord: 61 People receiving food and clothing: 111 Average nightly attendance: 91 Highest nightly attendance: 133 […]
Back in Fortaleza
With much reluctance, we pulled out of Ubaúna around 1:00 p.m. and headed for Fortaleza five hours away. The talk on the bus was a mixture of excitement and saddness. I’ve never seen a group of people so sorry to leave Ubaúna. We arrived back around 6:15 p.m. Thank you for all the prayers!
The Passion, Conversions and the Stars
Our last service in Ubaúna turned the school into a movie theater with The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson as the main attraction. As they say, we packed the house! People were crying, turning their heads away and clutching their hands to their hearts. They were blown away! As soon as the movie […]
Mãe-de-Santo becomes a Christian!
Mãe-de-Santo [portuguese, .f] –noun A female priest, a voodoo priestess. It means Mother of Saints. It is given to the female priests of Umbanda and Candomblé. ma·cum·ba [muh koom ba] –noun A Brazilian cult incorporating the use of fetishes and sorcery and deriving largely from African practices; combines voodoo elements with singing and chanting and dancing. A […]