I´m impressed! Everyone is really getting down on this Portuguese thing. Cody was leading a game called “Die or Live” (Simeon Says kind of game) with the kids today, in Portuguese. -Miranda is asking for things at stores, in Portuguese -Tiffany is carrying on conversations with the little ones, in Portuguese. -Jessica is interacting with […]
39 is a great number!
Last night registers as one of those events that you ask yourself later did it really happen. The “gringos” did a fabulous job with the singing in both English and Portuguese. Miranda even soloed in Portuguese with “Faz Chuver,” the song that has become the theme song for the work in Ubaúna. These folks are […]
Arachnaphobia Village
Our “kill” count officially stands at the following level: –Tarantulas less than 3″ in diameter — 3 –Tarantulas greater than 6″ in diameter — 2 –Spiders other than Tarantulas with a diameter less than 3″ — 3 –Little 1″ frogs — 49 –Frogs 3-5″ in diameter — 7 –Frogs over 12″ in diameter (that is […]
Ok, this is gonna freak some of you out. It sure has done so with some of our team, including some of the Brasilian team members. The couple who has come to check out Ubaúna with the possibility of moving here, Áudrey and Andréia Feitoza, are being used in a powerful way. Last night a […]
Birth of Jesus
Today Jesus was born. Ok, so he wasn´t actually born today, but it was the day we moved strongly into the presentation of who Jesus really is to the kids by presenting his birth into the world. Everyone agreed that it was a powerful morning. This should tie in well with tonight!