150-160 kids showed up on Day 1 in Ubaúna. We gave away popsicles (a big hit!), told them about the creation story and threw all of our newbies into the fray with much fanfare. Cody is a hit with the kids, Tiffany, Jessica and Bara can´t believe the way the kids grow on you — […]
Attack of the killer spiders
The voice with a bit of an edge to it forewarned me that more was going on than the simple calling of my name. Jessica´s little running dance out of the room confirmed my suspicions — spider! It really wasn´t very big, only about 3 inches in diameter. It was sitting on Tiffany´s shoe and […]
Soup, soap and salvation or beans, toothpaste and the Word
William Booth founded the Salvation Army on the basis of “soup, soap and salvation,” recognizing that at times it doesn’t do any good to throw seed on soil hardened by destitution and hunger. The expression “their stomachs are yelling so loud that their hearts cannot hear” is painted in broad strokes when you encounter extreme […]
We´re in!
Arrived around 6:30 p.m. yesterday under the cover of dark. Uneventful night… no goats, but lots of cows, donkeys (singing all night long), roosters, 18-wheelers zooming by, and of course, the dogs that like to bark all night long. Everyone survived the hammock initiation! We just had lunch down at the lake and are heading […]
A Forrest Gump Moment
Things are happening so fast and demanding so much attention from Arimar and myself that Arimar commented: “I feel like I need to run, just run!” Then, in a moment of movie flashback, she laughed and said, “now I know why Forrest Gump had to run!” To which I appropriately replied: “Run Forrest, run!” [Imagine, […]