Knock, knock! Who’s there? Buncha. Buncha who? A whole buncha folks wanting to get in for the children’s worship at the GFB church on Saturday afternoon! Can we say “capacity crowd?”
Big surpises often come in little packages. See the little gal talking into the microphone. Know what she is doing? Telling everyone how her life has changed since coming to know Jesus. To coin the commercial: 1 microphone and amplifier – $300 1 transformed life – priceless
You’ve come a long ways baby…
Sometimes pictures can bring tears to the eyes. These two are excellent examples. What’s so unique about them? See the t-shirts? They say “Gospel for Brazil” in Portuguese. They represent an impact being made on a small village that four years ago had no clue about the “abundant life.” What was once an unknown now […]
Just like that…
…she was pregnant for 3 months before anyone knew about it This is how Audrey described a young girl who just gave birth to a child. She literally just dropped the child right out onto the floor. She gave birth at home and, since she’d never given birth before, didn’t realize she was going into […]
The Urban Dictionary translates “throwdown” as: “about to kick some ass like there’s no tomorrow” Please pardon the language. I purposefully didn’t put the little stars (a**); I don’t mean to be vulgar but I do mean to be forceful. We’re on the verge of some serious throwdown in Ubaúna and I want to ask […]