Ninety-one percent? Ninety-one percent? Are they crazy? The Brasilian congress recently voted themselves a pay raise of 91%. The judicial branch came back and said they couldn’t do that. But it took them more than two weeks to declare the pay raise illegal (duh!) I’m curious as to what these “representatives of the people” were […]
29 days and counting
Another trip is about to happen! A team of six will leave for Ubaúna, Ceará on the 17th of January. This will be a full, active trip. We will be emphasizing the kids we’ve registered in the Paxólas area of Ubaúna. We have classes, clothing and food distributions, community activities and nightly evangelistic meetings planned. […]
Seja bem vindo to the world of G(i)FB(o)!
Welcome to G(i)FB(o)! Just what is a G(i)FB(o)? It is pronounced as Gif-Bo and it stands for GFB or Gospel for Brazil. GFB exists to evangelize northeastern Brasil (and yes, “Brasil” is spelled with an “s,” not a “z”), particularly the state of Ceará. For indepth info on the organization, check out our web page. […]
Rubberband Man
Last Thursday as my wife and I were walking in downtown Fortaleza (Brasil), we came across a fellow on the side of the street who was begging. At first glance, nothing seemed to be wrong with him. He was just sitting there with a hand extended saying the equivalent of “alms for the poor.” The sidewalk wasn’t […]
Song of the Grateful
There is a popular praise song called “Glorious One” written by Steve Fee. In the second verse it states: God of infinite worth with hands that carve out the ocean You hold the universe and still You run to the broken I was reminded of the immediacy of those words today. Still reeling from the […]