Just received this from Áudrey in Ubaúna: O dinheiro chegou. Estamos saíndo agora para comprar as cadeiras e a tinta para o piso, pois marcamos o primeiro culto para domingo. Há pessoas esperando, não sabemos quantas ainda, daqui para frente vamos estar organizando a membrezia e freqüência dos cultos. The money arrived. We’re leaving right […]
God in This Moment
Thanks to a Brasilian buddy, Thiago, for this piece by Gavin Mikhail. Quite appropriate for Ubaúna:
Heart Notes Diary
I could simply refer you over to her site, but I really want to make this convenient for those of you are using readers. Christy has done a great job at showing one of the real dangers of making a trip to Ubaúna. A Lesson to Remember Christy Loyd I was looking through a journal that […]
Read at your own risk…
I gotta admit, some folks are just plain crazy. One such fellow is my buddy Patrick who I introduced you to the other day. I mean, he really hangs out there sometimes. He does wild, unpredictable things like taking trips to Brasil, asking mission committees unabashedly for big bucks for the work in Ubaúna and living […]
Guess who came for dinner?
Seems the building we rented in Ubaúna had a previous tenant who held macumba services in the upstairs residence part! Áudrey wrote: Semana passada travamos uma luta espiritual lá na casa, vínhamos tendo pesadelos e sentindo calafrios. Quando descobrí que antes de nós, quem alugara a casa tinha sido um macumbeiro e fazia os trabalhos […]