I just got an email from Áudrey and their “stuff” arrived! He said this for all of you who’ve been praying for him: Please thank all of our brothers and sisters who’ve been praying that our belongings would arrive soon and in one piece. I wanted to send some pictures but my computer monitor arrived […]
Statistics and Music
A stunning statistic: within 5 years over 50% of the Brasilian population will be in their twenties. We know that 90% of those who accept Jesus do so before they reach their twenties. What we say in the next 5 years will define the country for the next 50 years. The future of the nation […]
Unsung hero number 2
This next hero is actually a dynamic duo! Patrick and Christi Loyd are former Wilmingtonites — they migrated to Savannah, GA and are pretending to to happy there when their hearts are really in Wilmington 🙂 Both made a trip to Ubaúna back in 2004 and recently made their second foray into the desert northeast […]
The emails are pouring in — folks are going to their knees on behalf of Áudrey, Andréia and Ubaúna! I find that so cool (sorry for the throwback to 70’s slang). I told Áudrey on the phone last night that there was a virtual army of believers who would go to bat in their behalf […]
Seen on Steven Furtick’s blog today: “The only thing harder than waiting on God is wishing you had” Given the current scenario in Ubaúna, I think the quote is perfect!