The emails are pouring in — folks are going to their knees on behalf of Áudrey, Andréia and Ubaúna! I find that so cool (sorry for the throwback to 70’s slang). I told Áudrey on the phone last night that there was a virtual army of believers who would go to bat in their behalf […]
Sucking big time
At the insistence of my bud pastor Jeff, I’ve been following the blog of a character (I say that in a nice way 🙂 ) by the name of Vince Antonucci. Vince’s contention is: “We absolutely suck at reaching people who are far from God. There are lots of things our churches do well, but […]
Unsung heroes apply within…
I always found the story of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms while the Israelites fought the Amalakites to be fascinating. As long as Moses held his arms up with his staff lifted over his head, the Isralites were winning; when he had to drop them, they began to lose. If you’ve ever tried to hold […]
WANTED: Medical Folks!
We’re looking at putting together a medical mission trip in the near future. Any of you physicians, nurses, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors, etc., who read this on a regular basis, let me know if you are interested. If you know one of these type of folks who might be interested in such a trip, let them […]
Comfort zones hold you back
You know, sometimes I’m amazed when I simply do what God encourages me to do. I know I shouldn’t be. He is, afterall, the Creator of all that exists. He’s made the sun stand still, parted large bodies of water, raised the dead — you know, stuff that you and I don’t do on a […]