It’s sometimes hard to distinguish between a dream and reality… Ever since this last trip to Ubaúna I’ve had a new respect for the unseen powers that are at war around us. It’s made me glad that I concentrate on the real instead of on how to spot the counterfit. I’ve noticed an increase in […]
I think I’m a pretty fortunate fellow. It’s not often that you get to pursue your dream with really neat folks. Now, obviously, it all has a delicious flavor when I’ve got my queen and prophetess riding shotgun with me. But when you throw in guys (this does include females, too) who have a passion for […]
Skip, Boliva and Life
Doing life can really get interesting, can’t it? It dawned on me today that my age and birth year were the same since the passing of my birthday recently. As I shared this insight with my wife, we noted that she has another 12 years to go before she crosses the same threshold. Then I […]
White rocks
I’ve been thinking, and reading . . . I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it. –Revelation 2:17 This has been a rough month — shucks, it’s been a rough year, especially the last […]
“Hey! Uncle Joe! Gimme a dime!”
“Hey! Uncle Joe! Gimme a dime!” Huh? I was minding my own business, walking down a crowded, noisy street in downtown Fortaleza, a bustling city of almost 2 million in northeastern Brazil. It was late 1983 and I had been living in the city for the past year. Very few people knew my name, much […]