Heard an unpreacher preacherman knock one out of the park yesterday. Always refreshing to see and hear a fellow present Jesus in a way that grabs you by the short hairs (yeah, I know, not a very religious thing to say… but I don’t hold religion in a real high estimation anyways 🙂 ). Way […]
700 Club at Lifepoint
We popped out over 700 again today at Lifepoint. Amazing. I never knew that seating and serving 700+ could be so much work. We ran out of chairs to seat people. Again. Nice problem to have. Lots of folks hurting; lots of folks looking for something better; lots of folks crying today. Seems discussions of […]
A friend of mine just told me that he’d fallen asleep on the couch Sunday night. In that twilight-type of slumber he thought he heard my voice. As he opened his eyes he saw me on the television looking right at him, telling him that religion was old and stagnant and that Christianity was vibrant […]
WWAY Recording
I’ve got a recording of WWAY’s report on Lifepoint in DVD-Ram format. Problem is, it is in a cartridge and it won’t fit in any of my drives (except the one that recorded it and it is a standalone DVD-Ram recorder). Anybody got a drive that will handle a DVD-Ram cartridge so I could transfer […]
Cool things behind the scenes
Today had to rank as one of the best and most memorial days at Lifepoint. Here’s my perspective on some of the “behind the scenes” items that contributed to the red letter day: We’ve got a pastor who sports a Beatles haircut…how cool is that! We ran slap dab out of chairs and had to […]