Some of you know Richard. Others of you have heard of him. And, by extension, most of you don’t have a clue who he is. Richard is a man who is approaching 30, but, hasn’t been emotionally or psychologically present in his body for eight years. I’ve been “working” with Richard since October of last […]
You and me and you, and you, and you…
Ever wonder what life is all about? Saturday, someone needed assistance. Life had dealt them a bum hand and their life had been turned topsy-turvey. Now they were needing to move. But they had no one to help them. A couple of phone calls, some emails and the “10 men, 4 pickups and a flatbed […]
Don’t fight for what doesn’t exist
Sunday at Lifepoint we had a visitor. With a camera. And a microphone, the clip on kind, like a tie clasp. He was a reporter from channel 3. Somebody brought him to me and said, pointing at me, “He’s your man!” Said reporter promptly handed me the tie clasp, unrolled the cord, attached it to said […]
Ever been in an environment when things simply felt “electric?” Things at Lifepoint are simmering. Simmering always occurs right before boiling. We’re getting ready to have some “interesting” things boiling over! Met with a group of fellows at the Annex this morning and the sense of expectation was palpable. All the way to the office […]
Not liking it doesn’t change it
Came across a quote this morning: How do you spell “Faith?” R-I-S-K Why am I such a coward about my faith? I’m either ignorant or don’t care. But the result is the same. Maybe I should brush up on my “spelling”…