I’ve been spending quite a bit of time ruminating on church. When one ruminates they aren’t attempting to come up with solutions or direction; to ruminate is to literally chew the cud. As a pre-teen I often went with my dad to a friend’s dairy farm. I was always captivated by the milking process, being […]
Without ME, it’s just AWESO
Bumper sticker I saw today . . . Without ME, it’s just AWESO Never thought of it that way.
Introducing G(i)FB(o)
Sounds like I’ve been leaning too heavily on the eggnog bowel, huh? G(i)FB(o) is how we pronouce “GFB .” So, why would we even want to try to pronouce “GFB?” Glad you asked! GFB is “Gospel for Brazil,” a non-profit organization that we’ve established to advance the work of the church in northerneastern Brasil, particularly […]
Crazy Christians!
You can’t trust a Christian any further than you can see . . . WAYCROSS, GA—Hotel staff at the Highway 82 Best Western found the suite occupied over the weekend by members of the Christian rock band Ruggid Krøss swept, dusted, scrubbed, and readied for immediate occupancy. “Bands have come through here before, but I’ve […]
Dying to live
“My cancer has returned . . .” The response to my question as to why he’d come into my office today of a gentleman I’ll call John. John was just barely out of his 50’s and had recently retired. In the early months of this year his early retirement had been rudely interrupted with the […]