I was to turn 18 in a month. On November 8, 1971, Led Zepplin released the single “Stairway to Heaven” that zoomed to the top of the charts and became the most requested and most played song on FM radio stations in the United States, despite never being released as a single.
Though not the best messages ever produced, the line “And she’s buying a stairway to heaven, uh uh uh,” provides the perfect byline for the topic of this blog.
The church in Ubaúna is now officially “on the books.” Áudrey and Andréia are on their way there, a building has been rented and services will soon follow. The town is abuzz with antecipation.
Yep! Chairs. Cheap, $10 apiece, stackable, plastic chairs. Two hundred of them (doesn’t that number just warm the cockles of your heart! 200!). Not a big deal until you do the math:
200 x $10 = $2,000
So, using the byline from Led Zepplin, we want to “buy a chairway to heaven,” one chair at a time (though we’d really like to get all 200 at once!)
Got the gump to put a chair or two on the floor in Ubaúna? Willing to pray for the bottoms that will be sitting in the chair you provide? Your ten bucks will stretch a long way into eternity.
That’s just good economics!
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