In my pastor years, I discovered that chicken was indeed the holy bird. Every Sunday I was invited to someone’s house to eat their fried chicken (this was before we discovered that fried chicken would kill you…ah, the good ol’ days…). The ladies of the church would compete with each other to see who made the best fried chicken and I was always the judge. That was how I learned diplomacy!
Today, I went to a new eating establishment with some folks from church. Weird name — Zaxby’s. I always thought a zaxby was a little dinosaur that scavenged the dead meat that the T-rex left behind. A zaxby is also the name of the little widget inside a watch that makes the gears go around, or so I thought. Guess I was wrong on both accounts.
Anyway, this Zaxby’s served up chicken fingers. Excuse me! Chickens don’t have no fingers! So, where does the meat really come from. Holy bird? Don’t think so. Strange bird, perhaps. While the food source may have been questionable, the company was really good (hope my finger lickin’ didn’t gross you out Rebecca and Jerry!).
I gotta tell you, we heard some good preaching today. Ol’ pastor Jeff done himself proud today. He was finishing up a series on money and tied a big red bow on it. Really cool perspective on the little dude who gave Jesus his lunch so Jesus could do the remarkable in feeding the 5,000. Give a listen to it (The Green Machine, Part 4 — listen to all of them for that matter. He definitely brings a fresh perspective to the whole Christian and money thing). Makes you appreciate how God can use the most insignificant to do the most amazing things.
Finally, me and the wife were insane for some popcorn tonight. Couldn’t find any anywhere. We don’t own a microwave (amazing, huh?!) so we couldn’t pop some up. The supermarket didn’t have plain popcorn to do in a pot with oil. We ran to several establishments in search of the hot kernals, but to no avail. We resorted to bagged popcorn from Lowe’s. Massive mistake! Tasted like a sponge soaked in motor oil. Yummy.
Day’s over . . . it was a good one. Hope you spent time in His presence today!