What the heck?
This is the type of email I get on a regular basis. First, I don’t have any chimpanzee problems that I know of. I may have to deal with some jackasses on a regular basis, but chimpanzees generally aren’t a problem in my day to day affairs. And my propaganda being assuaged? I grant that any advertising should strive to make something burdensome or painful less intense or severe, but what does that have to do with my monkey problems?
The things folks will do to separate you from your money. “Look at my really stupid subject headline and, because its so stupid, look at what I’m trying to sell you!” No way, José dude! My monkeys may be problematic but your propaganda ain’t relieving my disbelief in what you’re hawking.
Now, I know some churches who really do have a problem with both their chimpanzees and their propaganda. Shucks, I even pastored two of them in the past. I know quite a few folks who claim to walk the walk but seem to be monkeying around with the Master by trying to fool Him with their lives.
Why are we that way? I mean, do we so poorly understand what the Christian life is all about that our talk and walk sound like the title of this piece? Who in their right mind would want to join up with a group of people like that?
Folks — both of you who read my rants — we’ve got to change the perception of who we are as the people of God. The church isn’t some sort of social organization that exists for our benefit. It is the body of the warriors of the Kingdom who should be willing to charge the gates of Hell with water guns because we already know the outcome of the battle.
It starts with me. Now. Here. Care to join up?