I know I should stop being taken aback when I come across tidbits of wisdom and information while perusing the Word. I mean, it’s not like I haven’t read it before, right?
But, without fail, year after year, the same thing happens. Each time it does I am so astonished that I inevitably tell someone what I’ve found — I can’t just savor it alone, I’ve got to “wow” someone else with it.
I think it’s a refinement in my eating style. Remember the first time you ate something that was really amazingly good? You had no frame of reference prior to eating it, but once you ate it, you had to have more of it. I still remember the first time I ate pizza . . . an ephipany! Since then I must have consumed enough pizza that I could build a bridge to the moon and back. Often I would eat it quickly, as though I were concerned that someone might steal it out of my hand before I could get it in my mouth. However, I’ve noticed that even though I still eat it in that way, there are times where I enjoy savoring the taste and chew it slowly. While I know that is a healthier way to eat it, health has nothing to do with it. It is the satisfaction of enjoying my pizza in a whole new way.
Well, that must be what is happening with my Bible reading. Why has it taken me five years to begin really savoring it instead of just trying to read it and be done? I’ve got a lot of answers and none of them are complementary to me. I suppose what is more important at this point is that a change is taking place. What is also important is that now I know how to assist others in reading it for pure enjoyment instead of out of obligation (hint, I’m starting a small group in two weeks that will do this very thing 🙂 ).
Anyway, I’ve digressed. You, faithful reader, are going to be the recipient of my “wow” factor this morning. As I read through Exodux 23-25, my socks were blown off by this:
- God is a party animal
- Angels are a lot more active in our lives than we realize.
- God will often work in small, manageable increments in our lives instead of in large, flashy ways; but the result will be the equivalent of eating an entire elephant, just at one bite at a time.
- Do not, under any circumstances worship the gods around us. God is adamant about this. There are both extreme blessing and curses associated with this.
- To experience the awesome glory of the Lord is a life altering event.
- God pays amazingly close attention to small details.
Hope this tantalized your taste buds!